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Nov 23, 2021
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Contrary to what you may think, email marketing remains an effective and COST effective method professional email list of staying in touch with people who want to hear from you. Remember, we're not talking about professional email list blasting out millions of emails to people who don't know you from Adam. That's considered SPAMMING. Effective email marketing is at the crux of RELATIONSHIP and PERMISSION marketing and is still effective when you email to people who volunteer to learn about what your business has to professional email list offer. According to alternative marketing guru and professional email list Squidoo founder, Seth Godin, "By talking only to volunteers, Permission Marketing guarantees that consumers pay more attention to the marketing message," he writes. "It serves both customers and marketers in a symbiotic exchange." This means that email marketing will INCREASE in effectiveness as a way to counter the growing ineffectiveness of more traditional methods of "intrusion" marketing. But selecting the professional email list RIGHT email marketing tools is critical to both your success and your sanity. These are the email marketing companies and tools we recommend and those we don't professional email list and why. Why You Need To Use A Professional professional email list Email Marketing Tool Well, it's important to understand that if you're going to engage in email marketing in any kind of a serious way, you need to sign-up with an email marketing company that will help you sign-up, grow and manage your list. While my company, Samson Media, develops the strategy and concepts for email marketing, even we use a professional email list third party company called iContact, to automate all the tedious but necessary tasks of managing a list of hundreds or even thousands of email addresses Professional email list hosting companies like iContact or the popular Constant professional email list Contact handle all of the important tasks of growing and maintaining your list such as:


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